Wheel of Life Coaching Tool

Wheel of Life Coaching Tool


The Wheel of Life coaching tool is a powerful and effective way to assess and improve various areas of your life. This tool is commonly used in coaching, therapy, and self-development practices to help individuals identify areas of their lives that need improvement and develop a plan of action to achieve their goals.

Wheel of Life Coaching Tool is essentially a circle divided into different sections, each representing an area of your life. The most common sections include career, relationships, finances, health, personal growth, spirituality, and social life. The sections can be customized to fit an individual’s unique needs and goals.

To use Wheel of Life Coaching Tool, you first rate each section on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest. This rating system helps you determine which areas of your life are thriving and which areas need improvement. Once you have rated each section, you connect the dots to create a visual representation of your life wheel.

The resulting image can be quite revealing, as it provides a clear and objective picture of your current situation. For example, if your career section is rated low, you may realize that you need to work on your professional development, seek a new job or change careers altogether. If your health section is rated low, you may need to focus on improving your diet, exercise, and sleep habits.

The Wheel of Life coaching tool is not just a way to identify areas of improvement, but also a way to set goals and create action plans. Once you have identified the areas that need improvement, you can set specific and measurable goals for each section. For example, if your career section is rated low, your goal may be to enroll in a professional development course or attend networking events to expand your professional network.

The Wheel of Life coaching tool can also help you track your progress over time. By regularly revisiting your life wheel and rating each section, you can see how far you have come and where you still need to improve.

Overall, the Wheel of Life coaching tool is an excellent way to assess and improve various areas of your life. By using this tool, you can gain clarity and focus, set specific and measurable goals, and create a plan of action to achieve your desired outcomes. Whether you are working with a coach, therapist, or on your own, the Wheel of Life Coaching Tool can be a valuable tool to help you live a more fulfilling and balanced life.


Wheel of Life


Wheel of Life Coaching Tool is a simple but powerful tool designed to help you get a graphical representation of the present balance between different areas regarding your life and identify which will most benefit you by improving.


The eight sections in the Wheel of Life Coaching Tool represent different aspects of your life. Seeing the center of the wheel as 1 and the outer edges as 10, rank your level of satisfaction with each life area by filling in that piece of the pie to that level.

You can use the 8 categories in this sample or determine the 6 to 12 most important categories in your life and create your own wheel.

Use the following questions to help you determine how you would rate each life area on a scale of 1 to 10.

Career   Money
Is my job rewarding?

Does it reflect my values?

Do I have opportunity for advancement?

  Do I earn enough and live within my means?

Do I save enough?

Am I planning for financial freedom?

Health   Significant other/Romance
Am I generally fit and well?

Do I eat healthily?

Do I exercise regularly?

  Do I have/want a soul mate?

Do we share values and intimacy?

Am I nurturing the relationship we have with each other?

Friends and Family

Do I have/want a close circle of friends?

  Personal Growth
Do I spend enough time with family and friends?

Do I value the relationship we have with each other?

  Am I continually learning new things?

Do I enjoy new opportunities for growth?

Are the things I do growing me as a person?

Fun and Recreation   Physical Environment
Do I have fun often?

Do I know how to relax?

Do I enjoy sports or have hobbies?

  Do I like the area in which I live?

Is my home comfortable, tidy and warm?

Do I keep my appearance smart?

Interpreting Your Wheel 


If this were a real wheel, how bumpy would the ride be? What you are aiming for with your completed wheel is to have all segments scored evenly (or close), above 7 and as near 10 as possible.

If you have any particularly low scores you will want to make those areas of your life a priority. However, it’s not always cut and dry. It is necessary to investigate how they may interact with each other in order to identify the area to address first.

For example, Fun & Recreation scored low could be tied to a low score regarding Money. Not having sufficient money could mean that a person may be unable to go out or engage in recreation that has an appreciable cost associated with it, which can lead to a low level of morale and lack of desire to have fun. A low score for Money could also be tied to the low score for Career, though it may be that money is low due to poor financial management.

The purpose here is to determine if a low score in one category is the result of other factors. Improvement in one area will have an impact on other areas as well. At the same time, making changes in one area may have temporary or long term impact on other areas. However, in the above example, a career change may help in the career, money and fun categories. Yet, at the same time, depending on the situation it could decrease time for fun or family or your significant other.

Questions to Determine Goals

Now that you can see what areas of your life would be good coaching topics, use the following questions to dig deeper and uncover your desired outcomes and what you can do to improve your balance.

  • Have you ever been higher than the number you have recorded?
  • What was actually happening when you were higher up the scale?
  • Have you ever been lower than the number you have recorded?
  • What did you do to move up the scale?
  • What have you learnt from previously being lower on the scale?
  • What number on the scale do you want to be?
  • What exactly do you want?
  • What actions can you take to start moving up the scale?
  • What will you be like when you have achieved this?
  • What will be the impact of achieving this on other areas of your life?
  • How will achieving this affect others close to you?
  • What will achieving this bring you that you want?
  • What will achieving this bring you that you don’t want?
  • What skills do you already have that will assist you in achieving this?
  • What skills do you want to gain that will assist you in achieving this?
  • Where can you learn these skills?
  • What other options do you have?
  • What would need to happen for you to move up one point on the scale by this time next week?

Use the answers to these questions to develop your plan and action steps.


wheel of life



Wheel of Life Coaching Tool

Wheel of Life Coaching Tool


Wheel of Life Coaching Tool

Wheel of Life Coaching Tool


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